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서경 (책) 영어로

"서경 (책)" 중국어

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  • Book of Documents
  • 서경    서경 [西經] (the) west longitude. ~ 25도
  • 서경    서경 [西經] (the) west longitude. ~ 25도 Long. 25° west(▶ longitude twenty-five degrees west라 읽음).서경 [書痙] 『醫』 writer's cramp; scrivener's palsy; cheiro-spasm. ~이 일어나다 get writer's cramp.서경 [書經] the Shoo-
  •     책 [冊] a book; a volume; [작품] a work; [읽을 거리] reading. 영어~ an English book. 과학~ a scientific book / a book on science. ~모양으로[~이 되어] in book form. ~갈피에 끼워 두다 keep between the leaves of a book. 한 권의 ~
  • 강서경    Suki Seokyeong Kang
  • 서경덕    Seo Gyeongdeok
  • 서경배    Suh Kyung-bae
  • 서경진    So Kyong-jin
  • 서경 100도    100th meridian west
  • 서경 101도    101st meridian west
  • 서경 102도    102nd meridian west
  • 서경 103도    103rd meridian west
  • 서경 104도    104th meridian west
  • 서경 105도    105th meridian west
  • 서경 106도    106th meridian west
  • 서경 107도    107th meridian west
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